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Coat Stand

Coat Stand, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay. 

Coat Stand, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay. 

Coat Stand, 2014. Birchwood ply, Tasmanian Oak, Australian Pink Oak. 

Height - 180.00cm 

The Coat Stand is an aesthetically pleasing and completely functional piece. It is constructed using laminated Birchwood ply, seven Tasmanian Oak dowels and an Australian Pink Oak veneer 'ring' that holds all components together. 

The Coat Stand is supplied flat-packed to be assembled by its owner in two simple steps. The dowels are placed into the seven positions in the ply base. By pulling the seven dowels together at the top, the owner can position the veneer 'ring' by sliding it down to any position, spiralling the dowels to create the desired diameter.

The Coat Stand can hold, amongst other things, jackets, umbrellas, hats, and bags. This piece can be made to varying heights or with different species of timber. 

Coat Stand, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay. 

Coat Stand, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay. 

Coat Stand, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay. 

Coat Stand, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay.