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Pine Chair

Pine Chair, 2010. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Pine Chair, 2010. Photo by Stuart Hay.

PINE CHAIR, 2010, Radiata pine, Oregon, Hessian - 100.00cm x 60.00cm x 100.00cm. 


The Pine Chair is a contemporary take on a traditional chair by Hans J. Wegner; CH27. It challenges an ever-growing problem that furniture designer-makers and fine wood workers are facing in Australia and abroad; the scarcity and excessive price of traditional wood working timber.

The chair has been made from construction grade Radiata pine sourced from the local hardware store. Pine is uncommon in fine furniture-making and is known for being cheap, young timber that is hard to work and lacking the strength of traditional wood-working timbers. The chairs fabrication techniques maximise what strength the material has through multiple curved laminations, multilayered flexible slats and joinery that is inspired by traditional Scandinavian wedge joints.

Pine Chair, 2010. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Pine Chair, 2010. Photo by Stuart Hay.