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Photo by: Lauren Farrell.Kennel, 2017, Birchwood Ply and aluminium110.00 cm x 110.00 cm x 80.00 cmThis architecturally inspired dog kennel features one bedroom, one cantilevered covered deck for sun-baking and a hinged lid for easy access to the ins…

Photo by: Lauren Farrell.

Kennel, 2017, Birchwood Ply and aluminium

110.00 cm x 110.00 cm x 80.00 cm

This architecturally inspired dog kennel features one bedroom, one cantilevered covered deck for sun-baking and a hinged lid for easy access to the inside. The kennel is made from 25mm Birchwood Ply and uses a steel piano hinge and a custom made aluminium ridge cap for weather protection. The kennel is coated in Ozmo UV protected exterior grade oil to withstand the outside elements.

As you can see, the client is very happy with the finished result.


Photo by: Ed Collett.

Dog kennel.jpg

Photo by: Lauren Farrell.