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Coffee Table

Coffee Table, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay. 

Coffee Table, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay. 

Coffee Table, 2014, Elm, Hoop Pine Ply - 115.00 cm x 48.00 cm x 41.00 cm.

This Coffee Table has come from a desire to use a material sourced sustainably and to use this as the focus of the design. 

This quarter-sawn elm slab was locally sourced from a timber reclaimer near Canberra, ACT, and perfectly captures the unique characteristics of the elm tree. The tapered coffee table top has utilised the natural taper of the elm slab which has been minimally machined to maintain the nature of the timber. 

The under frame and leg structure has been constructed using hoop pine ply offcuts and faced with 5mm thick elm laminations from the waste of the slab. 

This piece has been created with sustainability in mind.

The piece also maintains the contemporary styling of other EACDESIGN pieces, particularly in the tapered angled leg structure, seen in the dining table, and featuring solid laminated faces. It is a piece of furniture that belongs in any house or apartment. 

Coffee Table, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay. 

Coffee Table, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay. 

Coffee Table, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay. 

Coffee Table, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay. 

Coffee Table, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay. 

Coffee Table, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay.