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Joinery - Understair Bookcase


Photo by: Lauren Farrell.Built-in joinery - Under Stair Bookcase, 2018, Victorian Ash and 2 pac painted MDF.The client was after a shelving and storage solution for a difficult to use space in their new townhouse. The Under Stair Bookcase is made fr…

Photo by: Lauren Farrell.

Built-in joinery - Under Stair Bookcase, 2018, Victorian Ash and 2 pac painted MDF.

The client was after a shelving and storage solution for a difficult to use space in their new townhouse. The Under Stair Bookcase is made from Victorian Ash and 2 pac painted MDF.

The Victorian Ash was chosen to match the existing staircase - with the bookshelves and bench top for the storage area designed to ensure light flow through the space. The client was after a design that would make it feel as if the joinery was always intended for the location.

The unit includes four large drawers to maximise storage on soft close runners, and the 2 pac painted MDF match existing kitchen details. The staggered bookshelves also function as display areas for treasured items.

Detail shot of understair bookcase.jpeg

Photo by: Lauren Farrell.

Understair bookcase straight view.jpeg

Photo by: Lauren Farrell.