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Rocky - the Rocking Chair

Rocky, 2011. Photo by Stuart Hay

Rocky, 2011. Photo by Stuart Hay

'Rocky' the Rocking Chair, 2011, Oregon, Ply, Radiata Pine, Jarah, Brass - 75.00cm x 85.00cm x 55.00cm.


Rocky is a gift for someone special. His stout figure spawned from the southern end of the United States of America, the home of the porch rocking chair. It reminds his owner of an amazing place and people.

Rocky’s design, construction method and use of materials is reminiscent of 'Trio of Cabinets' - 2010. He is made from reclaimed Oregon (once from the USA) Pine, Jarah and construction grade Ply using a simple 2D extruded profile to create a comfortable seat - that rocks.