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Sideboard, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Sideboard, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Sideboard, 2014, American Oak, Hoop Pine Ply, brass and leather - 200.00 cm x 40.00 cm x 80.00 cm. 

This Sideboard is made from American oak and hoop pine ply faced in hand cut laminations. It has been constructed to be viewed in the round and as such features three push through drawers, and a cupboard with the shelf accessible from both sides through individual doors. While the leg, door and drawer design would be considered to be styled from the classic era of Danish designers, the cantilever shelf and top utilises the strength and styling of contemporary materials and design, as well as modern commercial furniture-making methods.

This piece has been designed to honour the functionality and craftsmanship of Hans J. Wegner’s designs, whilst experimenting with contemporary materials, techniques and technology. It is a practical and functional piece made to be used and admired in any space.

The sideboard design can be customised to suit existing furniture in the home, including variations in timber species, overall dimensions, and storage options. 

Sideboard, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Sideboard, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Sideboard, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Sideboard, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Sideboard, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Sideboard, 2014. Photo by Stuart Hay.