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Money Box

Milo's Money Box; 2015Queensland Maple and Birchwood Ply- 18.00cm x 18.00cm x 18.00cm.


A person doesn't turn 1 everyday, and as such, something special is required.

Milo's Money Box is made of Birchwood Ply which has been faced in laminations of Queensland Maple. It is a box within a box with no obvious access, yet can hold a many number of things; money, a hidden place for treasured objects, or even secrets. 

Access is gained by removing one face of the cube. It's mitred joint is held tightly closed by eight magnets, not visible to the passerby. The face is attached to a drawer which holds the objects placed within it. The drawer can be removed completely and then replaced with a tight click as the magnets grip concealing access once more.

Milo's Money Box, 2015. Photo by Lauren Farrell. 

Milo's Money Box, 2015. Photo by Lauren Farrell. 

Milo's Money Box, 2015. Photo by Lauren Farrell. 

Milo's Money Box, 2015. Photo by Lauren Farrell. 

Milo's Money Box, 2015. Photo by Lauren Farrell. 

Milo's Money Box, 2015. Photo by Lauren Farrell.