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Three Slab Dining Table

Three Slab Dining Table, 2014, Reclaimed Oak - 75.00cm high x 120.00cm wide x 315.00cm long

This Three Slab Dining Table is made from Reclaimed Oak sourced locally from the Canberra region. It was designed for the client to seat 12 people comfortably. 

The client was after a French provincial refectory table design, which can specifically be seen in the leg and under frame detail. The top is made from three slabs of Oak from one single tree, which have been orientated to cloak the joins.

The under frame was designed to specifically suit the chairs measurements which had been bought by the client prior to making. This allowed for the perfect seating options for four down each side between each leg, while also seating two at each end of the table comfortably without the risk of knees or legs clashing. 

EACDESIGN is happy to discuss options to make custom large scale furniture such as this to suit specific spaces or requirements. 

 Three Slab Dining Table, 2014. Photo by Lauren Farrell. 


Three Slab Dining Table, 2014. Photo by Lauren Farrell.