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Trio of Cabinets

Trio of Cabinets, 2010. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Trio of Cabinets, 2010. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Trio of Cabinets, 2010, Ply, Laminex, Oregon, Hessian, Stainless Steel - 60.00cm x 60.00cm x 110.00cm. 


Trio of Cabinets hold the creators entire wardrobe and therefore the dimensions are based on his height, width and length. 

The cabinets can be placed together or separate, in any room, in any position. Designed to be viewed from all sides, the cabinets, with their usable surface and appealing side and back faces, would be perfect as a room divider in a contemporary studio apartment.

The construction process was used to take the environment and the timber movement into account. The cabinets have the ability to be flat-packed, transported by an individual once constructed and be customised for each client, providing a level of individuality to each piece.

Trio of Cabinets, 2010. Side profile. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Trio of Cabinets, 2010. Side profile. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Trio of Cabinets, 2010. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Trio of Cabinets, 2010. Photo by Stuart Hay.