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About EAC

EACDESIGN photo taken by Lauren Farrell.

EACDESIGN creates functional, contemporary timber furniture and objects of sustainable bespoke design. Utilizing both traditional woodworking materials and techniques alongside contemporary materials and modern technologies EACDESIGN  creates for both private and commercial markets in Australia. 

EACDESIGN is a business run by Ed Collett from Canberra, Australia, specialising in custom furniture and joinery.

Ed is an associate member with Craft ACT and a graduate of the Australian National University (ANU) School of Art. He graduated with a Bachelor of Design with first class Honours, majoring in wooden furniture design.

Originally from Orange, NSW, Ed now lives in Canberra, ACT and has his trade in cabinet-making, having worked for a number of years in commercial industry. EACDESIGN is happy to work with clients on unique commission based furniture and products or variations of existing designs. EACDESIGN is also happy to design and manufacture joinery for any space. Delivery interstate on furniture or products is possible.

Please contact, or instagram (@eacdesign) to make any enquiries.

Exhibitions and Shows:

September 5-21 2014: Designcraft: Hans J. Wegner : Master Modernist Icon: Maker and Designer exhibition - Nishi Gallery, NewActon, ACT. 

July 15-28 2014: Craft ACT: 'Glass meets Wood' - 'POD' at Lonsdale Street Traders, Braddon, ACT.

2011: ‘ANU School of Art Graduate Exhibition’, ANU School of Art Gallery.

November – December 2011: ‘Elements’, Craft ACT exhibition.

August 2011 – ‘The 100 Kilometre Art Show’, Orange Regional Gallery.

November 2010: ‘ANU School of Art Graduate Exhibition’ ANU School of Art Gallery.

November 2010: ‘Uncontained’ ANU Furniture Workshop.


December 2010: ‘Craft ACT, Crucible Showcase Emerging Artist Support Scheme Award’ Canberra, ACT.

December 2010 Nomination: ‘Hatched 2011 National Graduate Show’ Perth, WA.

November 2010: Highly Commended ‘Uncontained’ ANU Furniture Workshop.