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Writing Desk with Stool

Writing Desk with Stool, 2009. Photos by Stuart Hay

Writing Desk with Stool, 2009. Photos by Stuart Hay

Writing Desk with Stool, 2009, Beech, Jarah - 60.00cm x 110.00cm x 65.00cm.  


The curved surface of this table was inspired by a 100 year-old butchers block unknowingly carved by hand over decades of chopping. In this piece the maker questions why the working surface of a table must be flat? Every day we lean on the rounded bonnet of a car, an individual will utilise a bent over back when writing down a shopping list or a phone number…So why not make a working surface that is shaped to suit the human body?

When looking at the influence; the butchers block, the naturally carved isometric curvature of the working surface is taken into consideration. The curve is shallower on the left hand side, carved by right handed butchers and deeper at the front, closer to the body. 

Writing Desk with Stool utilises this same isometric curve to create a comfortable writing surface for a right-handed individual, and for the left-handed writer…? The bonnet of the car will have to suffice…