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Dining Table and Chairs

Dining Table and Chairs, 2013. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Dining Table and Chairs, 2013. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Dining Table and Chairs, 2013, Hoop Pine Ply, recycled Radiata Pine, recycled Spotted Gum.

Table: 103.00cm x 103.00cm x 75.00cm. Chairs: 45.00cm x 55.00 cm x 90.00 cm.

Dining Table and Chairs are a necessity in every home. Families gather, meals are consumed and work is completed at the dining table. To fulfil these functions the comfort when sitting around the table and therefore its geometry is most important. This Dining Table has been created for its intended user; it's maker. As such, the geometry is to suit the 193 cm tall individual and his partner. Its working surface sits higher than most tables and it's cross-sectional under-frame and legs have been designed to maximise leg room, seating four adults comfortably.

Chairs that are sat on for long and short periods of time must also be comfortable. As with the Dining Table the Dining Chairs  have been designed with the users comfort in mind. The seat sits slightly higher than average at 51.00 cm and has lumbar support to increase comfort when used for longer durations.

The Dining Table has been made with AA grade Hoop pine ply and is held together using construction grade fixings allowing it to be flat packed for transportation and simple reassembly. The Dining Chair frames are made from the same ply as the Dining Table while the leg braces,  seat and backrest slats are curve laminated from recycled Radiata Pine and Spotted Gum.   

Dining Table and Chairs, 2013. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Dining Table and Chairs, 2013. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Dining Table and Chairs, 2013. Photo by Stuart Hay.

Dining Table and Chairs, 2013. Photo by Stuart Hay.