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Mitre Stools


Photo by: Ed Collett.Off-Cut Mitre Stools; 2019. Birchwood Ply and American Walnut - 70.00 cm x 35.00 cm x 35.00 cmThe original off-cut mitre stool was created as a gift for family who had moved into a new home. It is made of 16mm Birchwood Ply and …

Photo by: Ed Collett.

Off-Cut Mitre Stools; 2019. Birchwood Ply and American Walnut - 70.00 cm x 35.00 cm x 35.00 cm

The original off-cut mitre stool was created as a gift for family who had moved into a new home. It is made of 16mm Birchwood Ply and herringbone American Walnut and can be used as a breakfast bar stool in the kitchen, or as coffee tables next to a lounge.

The mitre stools are finished in Ozmo hardwax oil which is food and family safe.

Photo by: Ed Collett.

Photo by: Ed Collett.

Photo by: Ed Collett.

Photo by: Ed Collett.