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Ed Collett

For the few months before the end of financial year I have been busy with a number of commissions, including solid oak shelves, a timber sink insert, and three cantilever ply coffee tables. I have also continued to develop a handful of new products. 

Tea light candle holders

The tea light candle holders have been popular and I have been experimenting with some different sizes and shapes. These short and wide holders are available for $75. 


Coffee tables

Commission wise, i'm currently working on three cantilever ply coffee tables with inset granite tops and steel concealed inside the structure. They are coming along nicely, but the larger table is expected to weigh over 100 kilograms!

Sink Insert 

This Birchwood ply and American Oak sink insert was constructed specifically for an individual sink. It improves the ergonomics of the kitchen, providing the individual with more usable bench space. It can also be used as a chopping board or serving platter. 


You can check out my progress regularly at or follow me on Facebook at