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EACDESIGN items ready to go..

Ed Collett

EACDESIGN candleholders, 2015. Photo by Ed Collett. 

EACDESIGN candleholders, 2015. Photo by Ed Collett. 

There are currently a handful of items available for purchase which can be sent or delivered immediately.. 

  • 2 x Elm Wine Racks ( - varying in price depending on size
  • 2 x Rock Maple Cheese Boards - $50 each
  • 2 x American Walnut and Rock Maple canisters (can be used for storing items in your kitchen or elsewhere) - $120 each
  • A selection of knife blocks made from different timbers, including American Walnut, Hoop Pine Ply, Oak, Elm (for example - - Range from $100-$150
  • 1 x Elm Slab Coffee Table - - $850
  • Candleholders as pictured above - $25 each or a set of varying heights - 7 for $150.

Images available of any product upon request.